Three Branches of Government Course

Application used: Canvas

Below is a course I designed on the Three Branches of Government. The goal of the course was to ensure was to incorporate a variety of tools that keep the learner engaged and challenged.


Goals of LMS Project

  • Analyze the learner needs using data from varying tools such as mentimeter, poll everywhere etc.

    This can ensure the course can be tailored to that specific learner

  • Implement a robust, stable, engaging course that implement various learning strategies and softwares

  • The course provides both formative and summative assessments that ensure that the learner is being has retained information



Learners were introduced to the pacing guide and modules they will eventually reach. Learners will have to complete modules asynchronously.


Quizizz organizes and stores game data which is great for needs analysis. I had learners take this Three Branches of Government pre-assessment to analyze how much my learners currently know and far they must go. Based on the results, I tailored my learning objectives to address the needs of learners.

Learners were introduced to the importance of studying civics. This section emphasized how little Americans know about America. Learners were required to view various of materials such as articles, primary sources and videos to set the stage on why studying civics is all too necessary in today;s day and age.


Padlet allows learners to share their ideas with each other in a creative way.By using Padlet in learners can express their ideas in a fresh new way. From a recent study, it is proved that by using Padlet learners can participate in class activities more effectively. This is because students can ask questions and discuss complex class topics with their class fellows by placing them on Padlet wall.

Choice Boards provide learners with the power to choose “how” to learn a particular subject or concept. This freedom encourages them to be more responsible, accountable and independent in their learning. It also allows them to work on the activities at their own pace. This allows the learner to be evaluated in a way that best suits them.


Pear Deck Slides help you engage every learner while embedded formative assessments through the presentation.